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靈命疲乏者的好消息 Ling ming pi fa zhe de hao xiao xi = Good News for those trying harder {ch} /

亞倫·克弗特 Kraft, Allan

靈命疲乏者的好消息 Ling ming pi fa zhe de hao xiao xi = Good News for those trying harder / 亞倫·克弗特 Alan Kraft - 中國主日學協會, Taibei Shi : 中國主日學協會 Zhōngguó zhǔ rì xué xiéhuì, 2011. - 213 p.; 22 cm. - Faith zhuan zhe dian, 3. .

Translation of: Good news for those trying harder / by Alan Kraft ; Colorado Springs, Colo. : David C. Cook, 2008.

有時,當基督徒勤奮的追求靈命──讀經、禱告、服事、傳福音、屬靈操練等,卻發現自己是在原地打轉毫無進步;很多信徒以「加倍努力」作為奔跑天路歷程的標竿,竟不斷遭逢挫敗以致面臨屬靈幻滅的景況。曾幾何時,我們的靈命像枯乾的一口井,不再湧現喜樂之泉。徒有教會和屬靈的活動,卻與耶穌所說的豐盛生命相去甚遠!「你的屬靈生命,歸根究底,是否也在於如何有好的表現來取悅神呢?」作者克弗特直指問題的核心。當我們開始追求以自我努力和滿足為中心的靈性,自然的便不再聽到「破碎」和「信心」交織而成的旋律。試圖從行為稱義,非但無法帶來生命真正的改變,而且還會淹沒福音的本質。翻轉生命的關鍵乃是確切體會耶穌愛的同在,正如保羅所深諳「現在活著不再是我,乃是基督在我裡面活著。」當我們內心湧現出基督的能力和豐盛,不再受到恐懼和罪咎的驅策,如此因信稱義的生命使我們得著真正自由。 Alan Kraft invites us to be still, still enough to hear the twin melodies that comprise the good news of the gospel-brokenness and faith. These core strains have the power to lift our exhausted heads so we may experience life to the full as Jesus promised. --from publisher description

9789575504021 957550402X

Spiritual life--Christianity .
Struggle--Religious aspects--Christianity .

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