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Marketing research

Burns, Alvin C.

Marketing research [electronic resource] / Alvin C. Burns, Ann Veeck, Ronald F. Bush. - Eight edition, global edition. - Boston : Pearson, ©2017. - 489 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Inside Front Cover
Title Page
Copyright Page
Brief Contents
About the Authors
Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing Research
1-1. Marketing Research Is Part of Marketing
The Philosophy of the Marketing Concept Guides Managers' Decisions
The "Right" Marketing Strategy
1-2. What Is Marketing Research?
Is It Marketing Research or Market Research?
The Function of Marketing Research
1-3. What Are the Uses of Marketing Research?
Identifying Market Opportunities and Problems
Generating, Refining, and Evaluating Potential Marketing Actions
Monitoring Marketing Performance
Improving Marketing as a Process
Marketing Research Is Sometimes Wrong
1-4. The Marketing Information System
Components of an MIS
Key Terms
Review Questions/Applications
Case 1.1: Anderson Construction
Case 1.2: Integrated Case: Auto Concepts
Chapter 2: The Marketing Research Industry
2-1. Evolution of an Industry
Earliest Known Studies
Why Did the Industry Grow?
The 20th Century Led to a "Mature Industry"
2-2. Who Conducts Marketing Research?
Client-Side Marketing Research
Supply-Side Marketing Research
2-3. The Industry Structure
Firm Size by Revenue
Types of Firms and Their Specialties
Industry Performance
2-4. Challenges to the Marketing Research Industry
New and Evolving Sources of Data and Methods
Effective Communication of Results
Need for Talented and Skilled Employees
2-5. Industry Initiatives
Industry Performance Initiatives
2-6. A Career in Marketing Research
Where You've Been and Where You're Headed!
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Review Questions/Applications
Case 2.1: Heritage Research Associates
Chapter 3: The Marketing Research Process and Defining the Problem and Research Objectives. 3-1. The Marketing Research Process
The 11-Step Process
Caveats to a Step-by-Step Process
Introducing "Where We Are"
Step 1: Establish the Need for Marketing Research
Step 2: Define the Problem
Step 3: Establish Research Objectives
Step 4: Determine Research Design
Step 5: Identify Information Types and Sources
Step 6: Determine Methods of Accessing Data
Step 7: Design Data Collection Forms
Step 8: Determine the Sample Plan and Size
Step 9: Collect Data
Step 10: Analyze Data
Step 11: Prepare and Present the Final Research Report
3-2. Defining the Problem
1. Recognize the Problem
2. Understand the Background of the Problem
3. Determine What Decisions Need to Be Made
4. Identify What Additional Information Is Needed
5. Formulate the Problem Statement
3-3. Research Objectives
Using Hypotheses
Defining Constructs
3-4. Action Standards
Impediments to Problem Definition
3-5. The Marketing Research Proposal
Elements of the Proposal
Ethical Issues and the Research Proposal
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Review Questions/Applications
Case 3.1: Golf Technologies, Inc
Case 3.2: Integrated Case: Auto Concepts
Chapter 4: Research Design
4-1. Research Design
Why Is Knowledge of Research Design Important?
4-2. Three Types of Research Designs
Research Design: A Caution
4-3. Exploratory Research
Uses of Exploratory Research
Methods of Conducting Exploratory Research
4-4. Descriptive Research
Classification of Descriptive Research Studies
4-5. Causal Research
Experimental Design
How Valid Are Experiments?
Types of Experiments
4-6. Test Marketing
Types of Test Markets
Selecting Test-Market Cities
Pros and Cons of Test Marketing
Key Terms
Review Questions/Applications. Case 4.1: Memos from a Researcher
Chapter 5: Secondary Data and Packaged Information
5-1. Big Data
5-2. Primary Versus Secondary Data
Uses of Secondary Data
5-3. Classification of Secondary Data
Internal Secondary Data
External Secondary Data
5-4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Data
Advantages of Secondary Data
Disadvantages of Secondary Data
5-5. Evaluating Secondary Data
What Was the Purpose of the Study?
Who Collected the Information?
What Information Was Collected?
How Was the Information Obtained?
How Consistent Is the Information with Other Information?
5-6. The American Community Survey
5-7. What Is Packaged Information?
Syndicated Data
Packaged Services
5-8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Packaged Information
Syndicated Data
Packaged Services
5-9. Applications of Packaged Information
Measuring Consumer Attitudes and Opinions
Market Segmentation
Monitoring Media Usage and Promotion Effectiveness
Market Tracking Studies
5-10. Social Media Data
Types of Information
Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Data
Tools to Monitor Social Media
5-11. Internet of Things
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Review Questions/Applications
Case 5.1: The Men's Market for Athleisure
Chapter 6: Qualitative Research Techniques
6-1. Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods Research
6-2. Observation Techniques
Types of Observation
Appropriate Conditions for the Use of Observation
Advantages of Observational Data
Limitations of Observational Data
6-3. Focus Groups
How Focus Groups Work
Online Focus Groups
Advantages of Focus Groups
Disadvantages of Focus Groups
When Should Focus Groups Be Used?
When Should Focus Groups Not Be Used?
Some Objectives of Focus Groups. Operational Aspects of Traditional Focus Groups
6-4. Ethnographic Research
Mobile Ethnography
6-5. Marketing Research Online Communities
6-6. Other Qualitative Research Techniques
In-Depth Interviews
Protocol Analysis
Projective Techniques
Still More Qualitative Techniques
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Review Questions/Applications
Case 6.1: The College Experience
Case 6.2: Integrated Case: Auto Concepts
Chapter 7: Evaluating Survey Data Collection Methods
7-1. Advantages of Surveys
7-2. Modes of Data Collection
Data Collection and Impact of Technology
Person-Administered Surveys
Computer-Assisted Surveys
Self-Administered Surveys
Computer-Administered Surveys
Mixed-Mode Surveys
7-3. Descriptions of Data Collection Methods
Person-Administered/Computer-Assisted Interviews
Computer-Administered Interviews
Self-Administered Surveys
7-4. Working with a Panel Company
Advantages of Using a Panel Company
Disadvantages of Using a Panel Company
Top Panel Companies
7-5. Choice of the Survey Method
How Fast Is the Data Collection?
How Much Does the Data Collection Cost?
How Good Is the Data Quality?
Other Considerations
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Review Questions/Applications
Case 7.1: Machu Picchu National Park Survey
Case 7.2: Advantage Research, Inc
Chapter 8: Understanding Measurement, Developing Questions, and Designing the Questionnaire
8-1. Basic Measurement Concepts
8-2. Types of Measures
Nominal Measures
Ordinal Measures
Scale Measures
8-3. Interval Scales Commonly Used in Marketing Research
The Likert Scale
The Semantic Differential Scale
The Stapel Scale
Two Issues with Interval Scales Used in Marketing Research
The Scale Should Fit the Construct. 8-4. Reliability and Validity of Measurements
8-5. Designing a Questionnaire
The Questionnaire Design Process
8-6. Developing Questions
Four Dos of Question Wording
Four Do Not's of Question Wording
8-7. Questionnaire Organization
The Introduction
Question Flow
8-8. Computer-Assisted Questionnaire Design
Question Creation
Skip and Display Logic
Data Collection and Creation of Data Files
Ready-Made Respondents
Data Analysis, Graphs, and Downloading Data
8-9. Finalize the Questionnaire
Coding the Questionnaire
Pretesting the Questionnaire
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Review Questions/Applications
Case 8.1: Extreme Exposure Rock Climbing Center Faces The Krag
Case 8.2: Integrated Case: Auto Concepts
Chapter 9: Selecting the Sample
9-1. Basic Concepts in Samples and Sampling
Sample and Sample Unit
Sample Frame and Sample Frame Error
Sampling Error
9-2. Reasons for Taking a Sample
9-3. Probability Versus Nonprobability Sampling Methods
9-4. Probability Sampling Methods
Simple Random Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Cluster Sampling
Stratified Sampling
9-5. Nonprobability Sampling Methods
Convenience Samples
Purposive Samples
Chain Referral Samples
Quota Samples
9-6. Online Sampling Techniques
Online Panel Samples
River Samples
Email List Samples
9-7. Developing a Sample Plan
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Review Questions/Applications
Case 9.1: Peaceful Valley Subdivision: Trouble in Suburbia
Case 9.2: Jet's Pets
Chapter 10: Determining the Size of a Sample
10-1. Sample Size Axioms
10-2. The Confidence Interval Method of Determining Sample Size
Sample Size and Accuracy
p and q: The Concept of Variability
The Concept of a Confidence Interval
How Population Size (N) Affects Sample Size

9780134167404 0134167406 9781292153261 1292153261

Marketing research--Textbooks.

Electronic books

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