Bivocational and beyond [electronic resource]: educating for thriving multivocational ministry / edited by Darryl W. Stephens. by
Publication details: Chicago, Ill. : American Theological Library Association (Atla), c2022
Dissertation note: Bivocational and Beyond provides a wide range of perspectives on faith, leadership, and learning to equip pastors and theological educators for a future in which multivocational ministry may become the norm. Bivocational ministry--also called multivocational, covocational, dual career, partially funded, non-stipendiary, or tentmaking ministry--is a topic of increasing relevance to congregational vitality and the future of the church in North America. The rise of the "gig economy," a blurring of traditional notions of sacred and secular, and missional innovation at the end of modern Christendom present challenges to received models of church and theological education. Bivocational pastors are being challenged to integrate diverse expressions of their calling, balance personal and professional obligations, overcome stigma, and achieve financial stability. --Publisher.
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